Monday, January 17, 2011

Crytek: Crysis 2 needs 90+ score to make an impact

Crytek executive producer Nathan Camarillo has said he believes the studio’s latest game, Crysis 2, needs review scores to average over 90 percent if the game is to make an impact.
EA Partners boss David DeMartin’s recently commented that the game would easily average over 90 percent on Metacritic, and in response to this Camarillo told CVG:
“We’re going to put out the best game that we can make and that’s probably over a 90 rated, although it’s up to the reviewers obviously. I hope he didn’t jinx us.”
Camarillo went on to say that review scores are very important to any company, and those who don’t make the 90 mark are less likely to make an impact.
“I think you have to be 90 plus to make an impact in any genre now. The quality bar is so high and publishers and developers have put so much effort against high quality games.”
“If you want to be recognised at all, regardless of genre, like anything you need to create the highest quality product possible and anything else is not going to get noticed.”
Crysis 2 is due to release on March 25 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Pre-order the limited edition here for the standard price.


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