Sunday, January 16, 2011

Donkey Kong High-Score Belongs To Hank Chien Again!

Just a few weeks back I reported how Steve Weibe had reclaimed the highly coveted High-Score spot from Billy Mitchell who had reclaimed it from Hank Chien…well, on Dec. 10th it was reported by Twin Galaxies that Chien has yet again nailed the top spot with an additional 3,500 more points for a total of 1,068,000.

From the official interview by Twin Galaxies,“TG: First off, Hank, congratulations on reclaiming the title belt. How does it feel to get it, lose it to Billy Mitchell, only to have that beaten by Steve Wiebe, and then reclaim it? Was it harder this time? HC: Thank you! I was obviously very excited to claim the title the first time. However, I knew it was only a matter of time before Billy Mitchell or Steve Wiebe reclaimed it. However I did not expect it to happen on my birthday! Yes, Billy Mitchell’s score was announced on my birthday. I also knew Steve Wiebe was trying over the summer but heard he was having some vertigo issues. When the summer was over, I thought the vertigo had gotten the best of him and was surprised when it was announced in September. I knew the score was still within my reach. Although I was excited to reclaim it, nothing beats the first time! Of course it was harder this time, however I have gotten better since last time so relatively speaking it was a bit easier.” There is some even more exciting news coming out from Twin Galaxies…but I will leave that until another posting just a bit later. A big thanks to Twin Galaxies for the heads up as well as the photo seen above.

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