Wednesday, January 12, 2011

UK retailers list 3DS for March 18, £249

Listings for the Nintendo 3DS have popped up on UK retailers, including The Hut, Best Buy, Woolworths and WHSmith, offering "pre-order deposits" with a March 18 date. According to these sites, the handheld will be available in blue, black and red. As MCV points out, however, all these sites pull their listings from The Hut's database, so they're essentially all from the same source. (Duplicate 3DS listings on all the sites, featuring a March 25 release date, have been removed since we first looked at these retailer sites.)

Earlier this morning, the sites had listed a placeholder price of £299 (about $466) for the 3DS, but as of publishing, the RRP has changed to £249 ($388). For comparison, the DSi XL is priced at £159.99, roughly $250 by today's currency exchange rate. In the US, the XL's MSRP is $169.99, suggesting that, if Nintendo uses the same strategy of using roughly the same numerical price in pounds and dollars, the 3DS price could be set around the $250 mark, when it's expected to be announced by Nintendo next week. That is, if the UK price here is accurate.

MCV notes that it has been "lead to believe" that the once listed March 25 release date is going to be the real one, and that the 3DS price will be somewhere between £200–230 ($312–359). We hope that turns out to be closer to the truth, for our UK readers' sake. Nintendo will hold a European 3DS event in Amsterdam next Wednesday, at which point we should find out.

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